Climate cafe Dec Shoot 1

As we come to terms with living in the age of the Anthropocene, many of us experience similar distressing feelings about the climate crisis, and these feelings often go unsaid and unshared.  Keeping silent about our climate distress is known to magnify the harm this distress can cause, and can lead to further feelings of disconnection and isolation, even among close friends and family.


One of the quiet challenges of the climate crisis is knowing what to do with the complex emotions that we experience about this planetary emergency.  Another challenge is finding others who are available to listen, and share their own thoughts and feelings.  So we can feel less alone.


In response to these challenges, the EcoCentre is now offering an opportunity for members of our community to participate in free, in-person Climate Cafes at the EcoCentre.


What is a Climate Cafe?


The EcoCentre’s Climate Cafe is a free, small group gathering place where supportive connections are made through sharing our feelings about the climate crisis – feelings that may not be so safe or welcomed to share elsewhere. There is no agenda, no pressure to take action, no need to bring solutions. There is no expectation to do or fix, just an open invitation to share and listen, to be present together with others who also care.


Our EcoCentre Climate Cafe is hosted by Carol-Ann Allen, a local climate-engaged group facilitator trained and experienced in offering community Climate Cafes.


And why open a cafe at the EcoCentre?  As Carol-Ann has said, “The EcoCentre is filled with environmentalists, wonderfully caring folks who lean into positive intentions, and positive energy and encouragement. It can sometimes be harder for environmentalists to find a safe place to share our more vulnerable or distressing feelings, where we can talk about anxieties and uncertainty, about fears, and outrage, and about our grief – even as we engage in reparative and restoring work.  And our cafes also offer space for the gratitude, laughter and tenderness that can accompany deeply shared care.”


Do come and join us.  Our cafe will run for 90 mins in the smaller meeting room at the EcoCentre.  Each cafe is open to 10 people, so do register early to secure your space.  We look forward to welcoming you at our cafe table.

Event Details
  • Phone:
    03 9534 0670
  • Email:
  • Location
    38 Blessington St, St Kilda, Victoria, 3182, Australia