Growling Grass frog

Join us for an exciting evening of frog spotting and ecological exploration at Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve. Learn about the frog species that inhabit the reserve and participate in monitoring their populations.


Come along to Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve for our Fabulous Frogs event, where you’ll learn to recognise different frog species by their calls and contribute to monitoring the local frog population. Frogs have returned to the reserve following the creation of a new chain of ponds and soaks, but they remain vulnerable to invasive species and environmental threats. In particular, the Growling Grass Frog, an endangered species also now happily calls the reserve home.


By the end of the event, you’ll know the difference between a “” and a “cree…cree…cree” frog call. The EcoCentre team will also provide information on how to create a frog-friendly pond in your own backyard and introduce you to the Frog Census app, a tool used to monitor frog populations across Victoria.


This is a family-friendly event, and all are welcome. Sunset is at 8:18pm, so don’t forget to bring your torch, comfortable shoes, and weather-appropriate clothing.


This event is supported by Melbourne Water. The Growling Grass photo courtesy Dave Newman.

Event Details
  • Phone:
    9534 0670
  • Email:
  • Location
    Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve, Brighton, Victoria, 3186, Australia