
What do you do with a broken toaster? Or with a bike when the wheel runs out of true? Or with a sweater full of moth holes? Toss it? No way! Bring it to the St Kilda Repair Café and let one of our volunteer fixers make it as good as new while you learn new skills and enjoy a cup of tea.


We always need volunteer fixers, and a range of vollies!


  • If you love to tinker and could bring your toolbox, email the organisers here.
  • If you could help with registration, photographing, coordination or promotion… Please email the organisers herestkilda.repaircafe@gmail.com

This project is coordinated in partnership by the Jewish Ecological Coalition and the EcoCentre.

For further information visit: www.stkildarepaircafe.org.au or email: stkilda.repaircafe@gmail.com

The St Kilda Bike Kitchen will also be having an open workshop at the repair cafe, where anyone can learn to repair or maintain their bike too.



PRICE: free / by donation

Event Details
  • Date:

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