Wetlands and Wildlife 01

Join us at Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve, where you’ll get a chance to immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds and sights of frogs in their natural habitat.


Discover how to identify different frog species by their unique calls and take part in activities to monitor the health of local frog populations.


Thanks to the recent addition of ponds and soaks, frogs are thriving at the reserve. However, they continue to face challenges from invasive species and environmental pressures. During this event, you’ll learn to distinguish calls like the “click…click…click” of one species from the “cree…cree…cree” of another and gain insights into their vital role in the ecosystem.


Our EcoCentre team will also share tips on creating a frog-friendly pond at home and introduce you to the Frog Census app, which helps monitor frog populations across Victoria. This is a family-friendly event, and everyone is welcome. The event runs in the evening, so don’t forget to bring a torch, comfortable shoes, and clothing suitable for the weather.


This event is proudly sponsored by Melbourne Water



Event Details
  • Phone:
    9534 0670
  • Email:
  • Location
    Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve, Brighton, Victoria, 3186, Australia